JPM   Resources   Limited

Recycling Tungsten spent catalyst residue with Tungsten above 10%
Recycling Tungsten spent catalyst residue with Tungsten above 10%
Recovery of Tungsten powder sludge with Tungsten above 10%
Recovery of Tungsten powder sludge with Tungsten above 10%
Recycling Tungsten spent fresh catalyst residue with Tungsten above 10%
Recycling Tungsten spent fresh catalyst residue with Tungsten above 10%
Recycling of waste hard alloy grinding materials
Recycling of waste hard alloy grinding materials
Sales of calcium tungstate
Sales of calcium tungstate
Sales of Sodium tungstate
Sales of Sodium tungstate
Recycling molybdenum spent fresh catalyst residue with molybdenum above 10%
Recycling molybdenum spent fresh catalyst residue with molybdenum above 10%
Recovery of Molybdenum sludge residue with Molybdenum above 10%
Recovery of Molybdenum sludge residue with Molybdenum above 10%
Sales of Molybdic Acid
Sales of Molybdic Acid
Sales of Calcium Molybdate
Sales of Calcium Molybdate
Sales of Sodium Molybdate
Sales of Sodium Molybdate
Sales of molybdenum oxide
Sales of molybdenum oxide
Recovery of vanadium spent catalyst
Recovery of vanadium spent catalyst
Recovery of vanadium slag
Recovery of vanadium slag
Purchasing vanadium concentrate
Purchasing vanadium concentrate
Sales of ammonium metavanadate
Sales of ammonium metavanadate
Recovery of spent cobalt catalyst
Recovery of spent cobalt catalyst
Purchasing cobalt concentrate
Purchasing cobalt concentrate
Ni      NICKEL
Recovery of Nickel Reforming spent catalyst and Residues from catalysts with Nickel above 8%
Recovery of Nickel Reforming spent catalyst and Residues from catalysts with Nickel above 8%
Recovery of nickel slag
Recovery of nickel slag
Purchasing nickel concentrate
Purchasing nickel concentrate
Recycling Copper scrap with Cu above 90%
Recycling Copper scrap with Cu above 90%
Purchasing copper concentrate
Purchasing copper concentrate
Sn    TIN
Purchasing tin concentrate
Purchasing tin concentrate
Au    GOLD
Recycling Gold concentrate powder with Gold above 20ppm
Recycling Gold concentrate powder with Gold above 20ppm
Recycling Silver spent catalyst with Silver above 1000ppm
Recycling Silver spent catalyst with Silver above 1000ppm
Recycling of platinum former spent catalyst with platinum above 1000ppm
Recycling of platinum former spent catalyst with platinum above 1000ppm
Recovery of Palladium spent catalyst with Palladium above 100ppm
Recovery of Palladium spent catalyst with Palladium above 100ppm